Our Journey Prayer

Our Journey Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Your wisdom is beyond our understanding; surround us with your love, so that we may not be overwhelmed.

Let us find comfort in our sadness, certainty in our doubt, courage to live through this difficult time and strength to meet the days to come.

We hope these months of preparation will find us open to new possibilities that will continue to unite us as one faith community, so that we may pray, worship and serve one another in your Name.

May the richness, diversity and gifts of us all be  cherished  and shared as we become one in the Body of Christ.

Let us view this journey of change and renewal as an invitation to build up the foundation which has been given to us: a vibrant, new community of faith, united in mission and dedicated ever more to the fruitful building up of your Kingdom.

We ask this through Christ our Lord,


St. Mary, Our Lady Queen of Families, Pray for us.