Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil,  thousands of men and women are received into the Catholic Church in the United States. Parishes welcome these new members through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and at a liturgy bringing men and women into full communion with the Catholic Church.


Are you or someone you know interested in learning more about the Catholic religion?

Are you a baptized Catholic but have not celebrated First Eucharist or Confirmation?

Are you baptized in another religion and would like to become Catholic?

Have you never been baptized and would like to become Catholic?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions then the RCIA process may be for you.


RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the way that those interested in the Catholic Church learn about the faith and join our family of believers.  It is also the process which enables adult Catholics who are not confirmed to become fully initiated as Catholics.  This is an atmosphere of prayer, education and fellowship. In no way does the RCIA process exert pressure on those who participate, but instead allows for the opportunity to contemplate this important decision while learning the teachings of the Church. The RCIA process begins in September and continues until the Easter Vigil when your sacred journey is fulfilled in the reception of the sacraments.

For further information about the RCIA process please contact the Religious Formation Office at 586-757-3306 or email our Religious Formation Department.


Here is a link to the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) RCIA page.