Evangelization Commission
The Evangelization Committee serves as a catalyst for the total evangelizing effort in the parish. The committee works directly with the pastor, pastoral staff, Parish Pastoral Council, and the parish commissions to ensure that evangelization is the parish priority and is integrated into all areas of parish life.
Education and Formation
To become knowledgeable about the scriptural, theological, and ecclesial basis for establishing evangelization as the basic mission of the parish, especially in light of the document, “Go and Make Disciples: The National Conference of Catholic Bishops National Evangelization Plan” (1992).
To form themselves into an evangelizing group through prayer, reflection and study.
To develop goals and objectives that coincides with the parish mission statement and “Go and Make Disciples.”
To evaluate, and hold accountable, the overall evangelistic effort of the parish and give reports to the Parish Pastoral Council.
To discern and propose evangelization strategies and programs for the parish, in conjunction with the parish commissions/committees.
To collaborate with the Archdiocesan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis to provide training of parish evangelization teams.
To assist individuals and organizations in the parish in developing a greater appreciation of evangelization through formation and education as a dimension of the ministry/mission of the Church.
To assist individuals and organizations in developing programs and activities for a total parish evangelization effort.
To periodically evaluate the effectiveness and progress of the committee, and report its evaluation to the Parish Pastoral Council.
To annually assess the progress, based on the tool provided in the “You Shall Be My Witnesses: Strategic Plan for Evangelization in the Archdiocese of Detroit.” This evaluation tool measures the strengths and weaknesses of the overall evangelization efforts of the parish.
To propose a budget to the Parish Pastoral Council for the committee and the overall evangelization needs of the parish that are not already covered by a commission.
Where possible, the Evangelization Committee is encouraged to have a representative on each of the four commissions, or provide some other means for interaction.
The Evangelization Committee is an umbrella for the total evangelizing efforts of the parish.
The committee should be representative of the constituency of the parish according to gender, age, ethnic diversity, and state of life. Keep in mind the importance of inviting the newly baptized or returning Catholics, in order to incorporate their unique personal experience.
The committee should have an evangelization coordinator who is experienced in evangelization and is educated in the Church’s teaching on the New Evangelization.
Organize an annual parish mission on the call to discipleship, coordinating with commissions to ensure participation. (Worship provides prayer and music, Education provides formational materials on discipleship, Christian Service hosts a ministry fair to enlist people to assist in the work of charity in the parish, and Stewardship has a follow-up workshop on discernment and gifting).
Write a weekly bulletin article on the ministry of evangelization.
Host a quarterly workshop on how to share faith with others.
(taken from the Parish Vicariate and Archdiocesan Councils Handbook)
If you would like to join the commission or help with one of their many projects, please contact,...
the Parish Council.